Computer Security Day Posters

Each year the Association for Computer Security works with a sponsor or CSD participant to make posters available to any interested parties. These posters are designed to make people aware of Computer Security Day and the theme issues and recommended actions. For CSD 2004 the theme is "Personalizing Security" and focuses on the responsibility of individuals.

Click here to view the 2004 poster.

Click here to view posters from previous years.

For a free poster and information about Computer Security Day, send a request* on your organization's letterhead before October 1, 2004 to:

Association for Computer Security Day
Poster Requests
P. O. Box 39110
Washington, D.C. 20016 USA

* After October 1 2004, or if your address is outside of the US, include a self addressed stamped/postage paid envelope (9x12 inches, 2 ounces) to receive a free poster. You can be an official participant, without receiving the free poster, by emailing us at

Copyright 2002-2004 - Association for Computer Security Day